Where We Work / Honduras / Lodging / Hotel Club Morazan «


Hotel y Club Morazan Lodging


Lodging Overview
Living Space Indoor and outdoor lounge areas, pool, compound store
Sleeping Quarters Bunk beds, single beds, double beds - 5 to 20 students/room
Running water for showers and sinks
Dining Area 150 Seats
Meals Traditional Honduran food: chicken, seafood, rice, beans, fresh fruits, corn tortillas and fresh vegetables
Phone Reception Variable - please talk to your cellular service provider about international plans. Sim cards will not be available.

Wifi available, not strong signal


120 V outlets, occasional short-term power outages


Washing machine available

Linens Bedsheets, towels and pillows provided (toiletries not provided)
Distance from Airport 3 hours

Hotel y Club Morazan sits along the Pan-American highway in the

south of Honduras. It is located in the town of San Lorenzo - a fairly

large town in Honduras - in the department of Valle. Although this

compound does function as a hotel when students are not present,

all compound rules that apply at our other compounds apply here as

well, including that all students must stay on hotel premises at all

times unless accompanied by staff members. Here, brigaders can

enjoy the hotel pool and several indoor and outdoor lounge areas.

Global Brigades has used this hotel for approximately 4 years, since

the beginning of Medical and Dental brigades began working in

the south of Honduras.


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Lodging Pictures

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