Programs / Public Health / Communities / Embera Puru «

Panama Public Health Embera Puru.png


About Embera Puru

Embera Puru is home to about 211 people and has around 40

homes. The community is located in the Darien province, in

Eastern Panama alongside the Pan-American Highway; the closest

hospital is in Chepo, which is about 3 hours away by car. Embera

Puru is an indigenous community consisting of the Embera culture.

Most community members primarily work in agriculture or raising

livestock, and a few support themselves through small stores.

Embera Puru is known for its strong community leadership and

willingness to partner with outside organizations like Global Brigades.

The leader of the community has worked alongside brigades on
many projects over the past few years.  The community is very open

to strangers and gladly presents its traditional dances regularly.


Embera Puru's Public Health Situation

Embera Puru is located in the Darien province, in Eastern

Panama. Embera Puru does not have its own health care center;

instead, the community members must travel to Santa Fe to receive

medical treatment. The community has a gravity aqueduct water

system, with the majority of families connected to it, but the system

is not entirely reliable; families in Embera Puru do not receive water

during the dry season.  The community is highly aware of this issue

and resorts to using the nearby river for water only when it is

absolutely necessary. Very few homes in Embera Puru have

concrete floors; the community members prefer to construct their

homes in the traditional Embera fashion: wooden floors raised above

the ground by 6-8 feet.  None of the members of the community have

in-home water filters, but a few families do add chlorine to their water

to purify it.  Families do not boil their water for cultural reasons.


The Public Health Solution for Embera Puru

With the cooperation the Comite de Salud (Health Committee), and the support of local families, Public

Health Brigades has constructed and plans to continue constructing composting latrines for family homes

throughout Embera Puru in future years. One particularly valuable aspect of Embera Puru is the nearby river. From this river, families can gather sand and gravel to use in the cement and concrete mixes for their latrines. This ensures the support and partnership of the families, but allows them to contribute in a low-cost manner.  Additionally Business Brigades is establishing a community bank in Embera Puru; this will allow community members to take out small loans in order to fund future public health projects.


Public Health Brigades Chapters that Worked in Embera Puru
Public Health Brigades Chapter Month Volunteers
Boston University January 2013 16
Pennsylvania State University May 2013 10
University of Colorado May 2013 15
SUNY New Paltz and University of Kansas May 2013 20
Stony Brook University May 2013 11
University of Missouri May 2013 5
Rutgers University May 2013 9
CUNY Macaulay August 2013 15
Oregon State University September 2013 25
Munich University October 2014 20


Current Status

Last Visit: October 2014
In October 2014, a group of volunteers from Munich, Germany came to Panama to complete a hybrid public health and environmental brigade.  The 20 volunteers worked very hard to complete the construction of three composting latrines in four days.  The community members within Embera Puru and its health committee were very excited to work alongside the group's efforts!

Project Photos


Visit Other Programs in Embera Puru

Global Brigades strives to implement a model of Holistic Development in communities through a system of collectively implementing health, economic, and education initiatives to strategically meet a community's development goals. Learn more about the other programs being implemented in Embera Puru:

Business 2014 Icon Small.pngBusiness Dental 2014 Icon Small.pngDental Environmental 2014 Icon Small.pngEnvironmental Human Rights 2014 Icon Small.pngHuman RightsMedical 2014 Icon Small.pngMedical   Microfinance 2014 Icon Small.png Microfinance

General Overview
Population 211
Number of Homes 40
Volunteers 146
Beneficiaries 16  families
Health & Water
Brigade Site
Family Homes
Most Common Illness
Strengths Community Organization
Weaknesses Consistent Aqueduct Functionality, Waste Management


Additional Information
General Community Profile
Pre-Brigade Curriculum
On-Brigade Curriculum