Where We Work / Nicaragua / San Marcos «

San Marcos, Nicaragua


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General Information


Population* 3,571
Number of Houses TBD
Avg # of people per home TBD
Number & Percentage of Children

0-5: 732

6-14: TBD

Electricity Yes, government-supplied
Location TBD
Municipality San Rafael Del Norte
Department Jinotega
Health Center Yes, in good condition
Distance from compounds Approx. 1.5 hours
Road conditions Good

* Population does not reflect how many patients will be seen on Medical
Brigades as many people from surrounding communities come seeking
Medical Brigades medical attention.



Currently, there is a elementary and high school in the region, to which the children have access. Most of the adults in the community did not attend high school.


There is piped water in San Marcos, but there is no water treatment system, which leads to health issues. 



There is a healthcare unit composed of one doctor and two nurse; the unit is open 7 days a week. There is a lack of medications due to the ever increasing population number in the community.


Malnutrition ails 90% of the community's children. The most prevalent childhood diseases are parasites, diarrhea and respiratory infections. In teenagers, scarce sexual education leads to pregnancy at early ages. In adults, the most frequent issues are hypertension and diabetes.


They do not have sewage system and most of the hygienic services constructed by the population have fallen into disrepair. Therefore, there is an increased risk for diseases such as hepatitis, cholera and diarrhea.


The primary source of income for this population is agriculture. Specifically, many work in basic grains production (beans, corn and sorgom), which is only possible twice a year. The average income for a highly productive worker is approximately $2/day.

Other Observations

Sacacli is located 180 kilometers from the capital city, Managua and several smaller communities surround it. Approximately 95% of the population is Catholic.


Due to the geographic location of the community, there are often prologed droughts, which are very detrimental to economic/ agricultural ventures.