Programs / Water / Communities / Los Hatillos «

Honduras Water Los Hatillos 2015.png

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About Los Hatillos

Los Hatillos is a community in the municipality of Choluteca in southern

Honduras. There are roughly 150 houses divided between three neighborhoods:

Los Hatillos 1, Los Hatillos 2, and Familias Unidas. Prior to Global Water Brigades’

involvement in the community, there was a severe lack of clean water, personal

hygiene, and sanitation infrastructure. With the completion of the water system

in Los Hatillos, we anticipate a reduction in the number of reported rashes,

parasite, and diarrheal diseases. The accessibility of clean water in Los Hatillos

will allow the community to take a large step in the direction improved hygiene

and sanitation.


Los Hatillos' Water Challenge

Prior to Global Brigades’ partnership with the community, Los Hatillos never had

a centralized water system providing access to all members of the community.

Community members used various strategies to obtain water depending on their

neighborhood. Regardless of how they accessed water, there was no central

treatment and few families treated the drinking water within their homes,

increasing the risk of waterborne disease.

In Los Hatillos 1, some community members had built wells to fulfill the water

needs of the community. These families allowed neighbors to fill buckets and

tubs with water from their wells and the recipients then lug the water to their

homes. Similarly, those living in Familias Unidas went to nearby wells to collect

water and carry it to their homes.

Many of the wells dry up during the dry season and people had to travel further away from their homes to access water.  Luckily, most community members in Los Hatillos 2 were already connected to a local water system. It only worked roughly twice per week, and many complained that the water was contaminated by a local power plant. Community members believe that the contaminated water caused both skin rashes and diarrheal disease.

Project Overview
Beneficiaries 650 (5-year growth to 1100)
Volunteers 769
System Type
Project Cost
Pipes Installed
24,000 meters
Hours of Education
Storage Tank Volume
Two tanks of 10,000 gallons each


Additional Information
General Community Profile
Water Project Profile
Family Profile
Education Profile
Follow-up Report: Forthcoming

The Water SolHatillos1.pngution for Los Hatillos

Global Brigades volunteers first broke ground in Los Hatillos in December 2014. Over the course of the project more than 20 groups of brigaders and hundreds of community members performed the following tasks:


  • Built a dam at the water source, approximately 13 km from the community
  • Constructed two 10,000 gallon storage tanks equipped with chlorinators
  • Dug over 24 km of trench and laid pipelines for the entire system
  • Connected approximately 150 houses and 1 school to the system
  • Provided education seminars to children in the community on water and health-related topics.
Los Hatillos.jpg

To ensure the sustainability of the project, a Water Council and Basic Sanitation Committee were established and trained by Global Brigades staff. The completion of this project comes after an arduous process of tackling various obstacles, such as seeking a viable water source. In late 2015, the community will join together in a celebration to inaugurate the project.


           Water Brigades Chapters that Worked in Los Hatillos
Water Brigades Chapter Month Volunteers
Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago December 2014 13
DePaul University December 2014 20
University of Texas Medical Branch December 2014 9
University of Virginia January 2015 26 
University of Rochester January 2015
Boston University January 2015 22
Loyola University January 2015 33  
Lehigh University January 2015
St. Louis University January 2015
Mizzou January 2015 12
Columbia University January 2015 9
University of Victoria January 2015 11
Mount Allison University January 2015 29 
Brandeis University February 2015
Central Michigan University March 2015 22  
Georgetown March 2015
Hoya Water Brigade March 2015
UNC Chapel Hill March 2015 37   
Washington University in St. Louis March 2015
Yale University March 2015
Sherman Texas March 2015
Carnegie Mellon University March 2015 11
Indiana University March 2015 10
University of Arizona March 2015 18
University of Illinois at Chicago March 2015 28  
UC Irvine March 2015
UC Davis March 2015
Tulane University March 2015 14
UC San Diego March 2015 28
Acadia University April 2015 8
University of Pittsburgh April 2015 27
University of Calgary May 2015 13 
Universtiy of British Columbia May 2015
Chicago Brigades May 2015 13
Penn State May 2015 29 
Emory University May 2015
Temple University May 2015 23
Case Western Reserve University May 2015 32
University of New Hampshire May 2015 103 
Cornell University May 2015
UNC Wilmington May 2015 13
Penn State University May 2015 28
UT Austin May 2015 25 
UC Berkeley May 2015
Stevenson University June 2015 21
Champan University June 2015 21 
San Diego State University June 2015
University College of London June 2015 13
UC Santa Barbara June 2015
UC Riverside June 2015
UC Riverside June 2015 48


Current Status

Global Brigades technicians and Engineering Brigaders from the University of California Irvine designed a viable system and construction began in December 2014. After 7 months of collaboration from more than 800 Global Brigades volunteers and hundreds of community members, the project was completed, bringing clean water to more than 650 people.


Los Hatillos Children At Faucet.JPG

Los Hatillos Woman At Faucet.JPGLos Hatillos Woman Washing At Faucet.JPG


Visit Other Programs in Los Hatillos

Global Brigades strives to implement a model of Holistic Development in communities through a system of collectively implementing health, economic, and education initiatives to strategically meet a community's development goals. Learn more about the other programs being implemented in Los Hatillos:

 Medical 2014 Icon Small.pngMedical Dental 2014 Icon Small.pngDental   CHW Gray.pngCHW Engineering 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngEngineering Microfinance 2014 Icon Small.png Microfinance Public Health 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngPublic Health Business 2014 Icon Small Grey.png BusinessArchitecture 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngArchitecture