Programs / Medical / Communities / Yaviza «

Panama Medical Yaviza 2015.png

Yaviza Medical Access

General Overview
Population 1700
Number of Houses 440
Student Volunteers* 201
Community Medical Access Centro de Salud
Brigade Site Elementary School
Most Common Illness  Intestinal Parasites
Most Recent Brigade March 2015

*refers to approximate number of volunteers since 2011 as data is not available prior to 2011.

Additional Information
General Community Profile
Pre-Brigade Curriculum
Pre-Brigade Lesson Plan

Yaviza is the last town on the Pan-American Highway before the Darién

National Forest.  Yaviza was one of the earliest settlements in the Americas;

however, it now lacks even the most basic resources.  The Chucunaque

River runs through the town; the river serves as a port to the Pacific and

small rural towns up the river.


Yaviza does have its own health center; however, it is located across the

river from the town.  The bridge across the river only wide enough for

walking, which means patients must be able to walk about half a mile

(across the bridge and to the center) or to cross the river by boat. There is

no emergency access.  The next closest health center is about 2 hours away

by public bus.  Neither health center is well-staffed and often medications

run out and are not restocked for long periods of time.


Community Demographics

The community of Yaviza has population of 1,700 dispersed among 400

households, with an average of 4-5 inhabitants per home.  The majority of

the people living in Yaviza are Latino, but there is also a very large

population of Afro-Panamanians.  Additionally, Yaviza's proximity to the

Darién National Forest and two of Panama's indigenous comarcas

frequently brings in a significant Emberá population to the community's



Brigade Site Information

Since space is limited in the health center, we hold brigades at the community's elementary school. The school is relatively large, with about 12 classrooms, a kitchen, a dining area, and a playground.  Volunteers will see an average of 250 patients per day.


Past Brigade Information and Statistics

Medical Brigades Chapters that Worked in Yaviza
Medical Brigades Chapter Date Volunteers
Mt. San Jacinto and University of California Irvine June 2012 27
Texas A&M and Loyola University Chicago January 2013 48
Oklahoma State University, Pennsylvania State University, and Cleveland State University May 2014 61
Penn State College of Medicine, Texas A&M March 2015 65


Medical Numbers
Brigades Chapter Patients Healthcare Professionals Referrals
Mt. San Jacinto and University of California Irvine 745 6 -
Texas A&M and Loyola University Chicago - 7 -
Oklahoma State University, Pennsylvania State University, and Cleveland State University 754 6 2
Penn State College of Medicine, Texas A&M 590 14 22


Dental Numbers
Brigades Chapter Patients Extractions Fluoride
Texas A&M and Loyola University Chicago 148 60 11 0
Oklahoma State University, Pennsylvania State University, and Cleveland State University 233 71 163 21
Penn State College of Medicine, Texas A&M 124 81 29 -

Last Update: February 2016

Visit Other Programs in Yaviza

Global Brigades strives to implement a model of Holistic Development in communities through a system of collectively implementing health, economic, and education initiatives to strategically meet a community's development goals. Learn more about the other programs being implemented in Yaviza:

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