Programs / Medical / Communities / San José de Pire «

Nicaragua Medical San Jose De Pire 2015.png 


San José de Pire Healthcare Access


Here there is a successful health center, though it is under resourced, 

and most patients are only treated for basic illnesses. The health center

has 9 rooms but only 3 are utilized due a depleted staff, which consists

of 1 doctor and 2 nurses. Ms. Lesbiac, a nurse working in the health

center, sees between 35 and 60 patients each day. Patients from 19

communities walk or ride the bus up to 3 hours to visit this clinic. 


The health center is in desperate need of medical supplies as it

currently lacks medication to combat parasites and allergies, among

other things. When the doctors and nurses do not have the

medications for a patient in need, they send them to a pharmacy

within the community to purchase the medication. Unfortunately, the

majority of patients cannot afford the medications so they do not

purchase them. However, the local pharmacy does provide free

medication for fungal infections.



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Community Demographics

San José de Pire is home to about 548 people and has about 100 homes, with an average of 5 inhabitants per home. There are approximately 48 children between the ages of 0 and 5 and 140 children between the ages of 6 and 14.



Brigade Site Information

Medical Brigades use San José de Pire's health center and adjacent community centeras the brigade site. The intake, traige, and charla stations are most commonly held outside of the buildings. The consultation, gynecology, dentistry, and pharmacy stations occur inside one of the two buildings.


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Current Community Initiatives

There are currently no other community initiatives taking place in San José de Pire. The Community Health Workers program is currently being developed in Nicaragua and will be initiated in this community in the near future.



Current Status

Last Visit: June 2015

This past June, a group of 31 students from the Oregon State University participated in a medical brigade in San José de Pire.



General Overview
Population 548
Number of Houses
Average # Persons Per House
Health Center
Brigade Site
Health Center/ Community Center
Most Common Illness Upper Respiratory Infections
Most Recent Brigade Date June 2015


Additional Information
General Community Profile
Medical Methodology
Dental Methodology
Pre-Brigade Lesson Plans