Programs / Medical / Communities / Platanilla «

Panama Medical Platanilla 2015.png


Platanilla Medical Access

Platanilla is a community located in the hills of Eastern Panama, off the

Pan-American highway, near the town of Torti.  Due to its remote location,

Platanilla has a small sub-center of health.  The sub-center is not staffed

with doctors, but it does have a community health worker that is trained

to treat a few common illnesses; otherwise, community members

must travel either to the health center in Torti (30 minutes away) or the

hospital in Chepo (2-3 hours away).  Additionally, the Panamanian Ministry

of Health stocks sub-health centers with only a few rudimentary

medications that are unable to meet all of the needs of Platanilla.


Community Demographics

Platanilla is home to about 300 people and has about 80 homes,
with an average of 3-4 inhabitants per home.  Platanilla is removed from the

Pan-American Highway by a few miles, so there are not many communities

in its immediate vicinity.


Brigade Site Information

With the cooperation of the Education Ministry and the local school

director, Medical and Dental Brigades host clinics in the community

school. The school consists of six classrooms and a comedor

(cafeteria-type room) so we have the ability to set up each clinic station

in its own classroom. Volunteers will see an average of 80-100 patients

per day. Additionally, patients in Platanilla come from neighboring

communities such as Rio Congo; some may travel up to several

hours by horseback or foot to seek treatment.


Past Brigade Information and Statistics

Medical Brigades Chapters that Worked in Platanilla
Medical Brigades Chapter Date Volunteers Clinic Days Charla Topic
Chapman University May 2012 56 3  
 Duke University December 2013 23 3  
 CUNY Macaulay Honors College August 2013  55 3  
 Texas A&M January 2014  40 3  
University of Puget Sound May 2014 24 3  
Wellesley College January 2015 27 3  
Louisiana State University May 2015 36 3  
Montclair State University January 2016 31 3 Oral Health


Medical Numbers
Brigades Chapter Patients Healthcare Professionals Referrals
Chapman University 521 4 0
 Duke University 382 4 0
CUNY Macaulay  Honours College 160 4 0
Texas A&M University 198 5 0
University of Puget Sound 247 7 11
Wellesley College 293 7 0
Louisiana State University 309 2 4
Montclair State University 378 5 6


Dental Numbers
Brigades Chapter Patients Extractions Fluoride
Texas A&M University 87 35 51 0
University of Puget Sound 78 75 8 0
Wellesley College 96 88 38 0
Louisiana State University 128 67 64 17
Montclair State University 140 84 47 0


Last Update: June 2016


Visit Other Programs in Platanilla

Global Brigades strives to implement a model of Holistic Development in communities through a system of collectively implementing health, economic, and education initiatives to strategically meet a community's development goals. Learn more about the other programs being implemented in Platanilla:


Business 2014 Icon Small.png BusinessEnvironmental 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngEnvironmental Human Rights 2014 Icon Small.pngHuman Rights Microfinance 2014 Icon Small Grey.png Microfinance Public Health 2014 Icon Small.pngPublic Health

General Overview
Population 314
Number of Houses 84
Student Volunteers* 261
Health Center Type Sub Center
Brigade Site School
Most Common Illnesses Respiratory, Digestive, and Skin Infections
Most Recent Brigade Date Jan 2016

 *refers to approximate number of volunteers since 2011 as data is not available prior to 2011.

Additional Information
General Community Profile
Pre-Brigade Curriculum
Pre-Brigade Lesson Plan