Programs / Medical / Communities / Ipetí Emberá «

Panama Medical Ipeti Embera 2015.png

Ipetí Emberá Medical Access

General Overview
Population 450
Number of Houses  85
Student Volunteers* 189
Community Medical Access Tortí Health Center
Brigade Site Elementary School
Most Common Illness  Intestinal Parasitism
Most Recent Brigade August 2015

*refers to approximate number of volunteers since 2011 as data is not available prior to 2011.

Additional Information
General Community Profile
Pre-Brigade Curriculum
On-Brigade Curriculum

Ipetí Emberá is located directly off the Pan-American Highway in the Tortí

District.  The community's clinics are hosted at the elementary school,

located in the center of the community.  There is a health post in the

community, but it is not staffed and currently sits empty.  When brigades

are not present, Ipetí Emberá's community members go to the Tortí Health

Center for basic care.  This health center is about 30 minutes away by bus

once the community members have walked to the highway.  The

community's path to the highway is rocky, unpaved, and without shade.


Community Demographics

Ipetí Emberá is home to about 450 people and has about 85 homes, with an

average of 5-6 inhabitants per home. Ipetí Emberá is an indigenous

community of the Emberá culture.  The community members share a river 

with a Guna community (Ibedi Guna) and a Latino community (Ipetí



Brigade Site Information

Medical/dental clinics at Ipetí Emberá are hosted by the community's

elementary school.  The school has five classrooms, a kitchen, a dining

room, and a basketball court.  Volunteers will see an average of 80 patients

per day, and doctors typically spend about 10 minutes with each patient. 

Brigades conduct educational charlas throughout the day typically to

provide  15 hours of health education across the week.


Past Brigade Information and Statistics

Medical Brigades Chapters that Worked in Ipetí Emberá
Medical Brigades Chapter Date Volunteers
University of Virginia & Vanderbilt University March 2012 41
Harvard College January 2013 28
San Fransisco State University June 2013 31
Florida Atlantic University March 2014 25
West Virginia University March 2015 39
Regis University* August 2015 25
Carnegie Mellon University* March 2016 26
Medical Numbers
Brigades Chapter Patients Healthcare Professionals Referrals
University of Virginia & Vanderbilt University 394 5 -
Harvard College 250 6 -
San Fransisco State University 204 4 -
Florida Atlantic University 312 5 4
West Virginia University 216 4 7
Regis University* 169 6 -
Carnegie Mellon University* 111 3 -


Dental Numbers
Brigades Chapter Patients Extractions Fluoride
San Fransisco State University 105 31 32 -
Florida Atlantic University 127 29 16 -
West Virginia University 100 41 57 0
Regis University* 58 22 19 -
Carnegie Mellon University* 17 14 1 0

                           *Only one day in Ipetí Emberá- Clinic days split between 2 communities. 

Last Update: February 2016


Visit Other Programs in Ipetí Emberá

Global Brigades strives to implement a model of Holistic Development in communities through a system of collectively implementing health, economic, and education initiatives to strategically meet a community's development goals. Learn more about the other programs being implemented in Ipetí Emberá:

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