Where We Work / Honduras / Communities/ Agua Caliente «

Agua Caliente, Honduras


  Medical 2014 Icon Small.pngDental 2014 Icon Small.pngMicrofinance 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngEngineering 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngWater 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngPublic Health 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngBusiness 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngArchitecture 2014 Icon Small Grey.pngCHW 2014 Icon Grey.pngClick on Programs to learn more about their work in this community


General Information 

Population* 2600
Number of homes 326
Avg # of people per home 7
Number and % of children

214; 8.2%

Primary Occupations

Agirculture - coffee, corn and coffee

Water System Yes - Gravity system
Community Bank


% of Homes with Latrines


Electricity Yes
Corresponding Health Center CESAMO
Common Illnesses

Common cold, allergies, high blood pressure

School Access & Distance Kindergarden - 11th grade; central to the community
Municipality Linaca
Department Choluteca

N 13° 26.136’

W 87° 13.932’
Distance from compounds 1 hour 30 minutes


* Population does not reflect how many patients will be seen on medical
brigades as many people from surrounding communities come seeking
Medical Brigades medical attention.


Top Three Needs Expressed

The top needs expressed by the key community members are improvements to the existing water system, more opportunities for financial credit and agricultural support.


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Agua Caliente has a centro basico with Kindergarten to 11th grade.   The school has 38 students in kindergarten, 328 students in grades 1-9, and 90 students in grades 10-11.  There are 12 school rooms and 2 rooms for kindergarten.  There is 1 kindergarten teacher and 10 teachers for grades 1-11.


CARE constructed a water system in 1998 with about 95% of the houses connected.  The community does not chlorinate the water via the system, however, many houses chloriate their personal water that they receive from the system.


The community has a local CESAMO, this is a health center with a doctor on staff.  Some of the common illnesses seen in the community are common cold, fever, lesmaneasis, high blood pressure, asthma, and allergies.




The majority of community members in Agua Caliente work in agriculture.  To earn a wage, most people travel to nearby melon plantations to work seasonally.  In addition to this, many people farm corn and beans for their own consumption.  Community members have access to credit through a community bank formed by community members.

Other Organizations

Currently Global Brigades is the only organization that works in Agua Caliente.


Gallery coming soon!