Colleen Remien

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Passionate About:

I am passionate about helping others while exploring healthcare within a culture that is vastly different from what I experience in the United States. Volunteering at a medical brigade in Nicaragua will allow me to help a community that suffers from a lack of organized healthcare. The indigenous tribes in rural Nicaragua have scarce access to electricity, water, and basic healthcare. As I have been preparing for a career in healthcare, I have learned the value of helping others, especially those in need who cannot help themselves. This brigade trip will serve as an opportunity for me to grow in my volunteer experience alongside others who have similar passions and career goals. Beyond the scope of Nicaragua, this trip will broaden my overall shadowing experience, as I will be working alongside various doctors and a dentist. I cannot wait to go to Nicaragua and experience volunteering at another medical brigade!

Current Activities

There are no upcoming Brigades for this volunteer.

Past Activities


May 15, 2017 - May 21, 2017


$105,628 raised of $102,986 goal


May 21, 2016 - May 27, 2016


$67,706 raised of $66,576 goal

Volunteer Stats


Total Fundraised


Brigades Completed


Fundraisers Supported

Activity Feed

Barbara Remien donated $831.00 | 2876 days ago
Colleen Remien donated $500.00 | 2923 days ago
Lisa M. Harris donated $200.00 | 2941 days ago
Colleen Remien donated $80.00 | 2987 days ago
Kelli Ferguson donated $35.00 | 2993 days ago
William Remien donated $35.00 | 3003 days ago
Colleen Remien donated $100.00 | 3027 days ago
Colleen Remien donated $790.00 | 3235 days ago
Lisa M. Harris donated $200.00 | 3260 days ago
Colleen Remien donated $340.00 | 3282 days ago
Alexandria Hinkle donated $100.00 | 3283 days ago
William C Remien donated $50.00 | 3291 days ago
David Bodnar donated $50.00 | 3292 days ago
Colleen Remien donated 250.0000 | 3326 days ago